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Robo Investment A d v i s o r

B4X Robo Advisor launched the first version of its free Robo investment advisory service which could test financial literacy and risk tolerance of investors and tailor an asset allocation strategy accordingly. We recommend a passive strategy to distribute the investable money between EGX30ETF, fixed income mutual fund and gold mutual fund.


Risk Tolerance Identification

B4X evaluates your comfort with risk as the first step to customizing your investment strategy.


Investment Strategy

The tailored asset allocation is based on the passive investment strategy that fit individuals who don't have enough experience and time to invest actively.

vector Featured Services

Enhanced Financial Engagement

Empower your investment journey, enrich academic research, and enhance financial education.

Investment Industry

The investment companies can use B4X platform in profiling the risk tolerance of their clients.

Academic Contribution

The risk assessment data we collect is a valuable resource for research and is accessible to scholars studying individual risk tolerance, supporting their academic pursuits.

Education Enhancement

University instructors and EGX ambassadors can use the B4X platform in their investment management classes and financial literacy initiatives.

B4X Team

Dr. Mahmoud Otaify

Dr. Mahmoud Otaify

Assistant Professor Of Finance

Ahmed Abdelhady

Ahmed Abdelhady

Software Developer
